2025 registration is open. Classes begin Mon. January 13, 2025
Starting with improvisation and moving into monologues and scenes, actors will discover how to use their experiences and imagination to create a character, make bold inventive acting choices in an atmosphere of creative play and self-discovery. Actors will come to understand and experience the tools they need to navigate auditions, rehearsals and performances.
You will learn powerful rehearsal and performance techniques increase your skills as an actor. The class emphasizes creating a character that is believable, natural and spontaneous, actor preparation and freeing your actor’s instrument allowing you to trust yourself as an artist. You will work with theatre games, script analysis, monologues and scene study. Voice and physical theatre included.
Venue: Bethany Hall, 272 Wall Street, Kingston, NY
Time: 6-8pm, Every Monday
Limited to 18 actors
Tuition: Monthly $165, tuition is rolling.
Registration/Info: 845.679.0154
Payment: https://voicetheatre.org/support-us/
Shauna Kanter is the artistic director of Voice Theatre. She has taught acting and voice at: The Stella Adler Studio, NYU Tisch School of the Arts, T. Schreiber Studio, and the New Actor’s Workshop. In England at: The Mountview Theatre Conservatory, Bristol Old Vic Theatre School, Queen Margaret College and Middlesex University – all members of the Professional Theatre Training Programme of Great Britain. She has been a guest artist at Bowdoin College, Williams College and Harden Simmons College. Ms. Kanter has directed over thirty-five plays in eleven countries from Ramallah, Palestine to Aberbeen, Scotland to San Antonio, Texas in America. She directed the Off-Broadway production of RETZACH at 59E59 Theatre, Measure for Measure for the Abilene Shakespeare Festival, Women’s Minyan at JET, in Detroit as well as multiple plays for Voice Theatre at the Byrdcliffe Theatre in Woodstock, NY and at Bethany Hall in Kingston. She is published by Cune Press, River Technologies and Drama Book Publishers.