“Voice Theatre is all the right things…vivid… mesmerizing”.
New York Times – NY
The power of the piece is thrillingly authentic”.
London Times – London, UK
“The show is first rate theater”.
Democrat and Chronicle – Rochester NY
“The beautifully mounted show is fresh, different and totally absorbing…The Gift is truly a unique tribute and a gift to us all”.
Backstage – NYC
“In a powerful theatrical amalgam of strong writing, sensitive and imaginative direction, dynamic ensemble acting, and an expressionistic evocative use of the voice, Shauna Kanter’s The Gift creates a life-affirming vision of a terrifying time”.
Culture Vulture.net
“The piece had the historical sweep and depth of a great novel. Shauna Kanter has developed a rich multi-layered form of theatre. Voice Theatre tackled this vast subject with staggering integrity”.
Press and Journal – Aberdeen, Scotland
“Shauna Kanter’s Voice Theatre broaches the sensitive subject of the Israeli Palestinian conflict with a work that is both historically poignant and emotionally raw”.
Downtown Express – NYC
“Thought provoking piece of theatre”.
Evening Times – Glasgow, Scotland
“Score one for epic theatre! Kanter powerfully develops the theme that one man one woman counts”.
Encore Michigan – West Bloomfield, MI