Support Us

Voice Theatre is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization. All donations and contribution are tax deductible to the full extent of the law. Our existence is made possible through generous donations from corporate and private funding sources, NGO’s and individuals. Thank-you for joining Voice Theatre’s growing list of supporters. You are making it possible for Voice Theatre productions, workshops and tours to continue. Contact us, to find out how you may support or volunteer with Voice Theatre. Or make a donation now by using the PayPal link at the right, or below.

Voice Theatre would like to thank all of the individuals, foundations, corporations and government agencies that have supported us over the years.

Please help us out with a PayPal donation – it’s easy, and every penny supports our theater efforts and our community outreach.


Voice Theatre Donors



New York State Council for the Arts – NYSCA

$50,000 – $100,000

Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan

European Commission – Brussels: United Kingdom, Germany and France

NoVo Foundation of Kingston

$30,000 – $49,999

Alliance Bernstein

Niedersachsische Sparkassenstiftung – Germany

Sir Edmund Rothschild Foundation

Levine Family Fund

$10,000 – $29,999

Arts Mid-Hudson

Laura Jane Musser Fund

The National Endowment For The Arts – NEA

Save our Stages, Shuttered Venue Grants

The Thompson Family Foundation

U.S. Artists at International Festivals, a venture with the National Endowment of the Arts, U.S.I.A and The Rockefeller Foundation and Pew Charitable Trusts

$5,000 – $9,999

Avon International Education

British Councils: London, Berlin, East Jerusalem, Washington DC & Amsterdam

City Council: Glasgow, Edinburgh & Bristol

City of Westminster, London

County Executive Office of Ulster County

Community Foundation of Ulster County

Diane & Garry Kvistad Fund

Fairgame Upstate Theater Coalition

Greater Bristol Trust

Kulturamtes der Landeshauptstadt – Hannover, Germany

Michigan Humanities Council

National Endowment for the Humanities

Skillman Foundation

Ulster County ARPA Cares Act

$1,000 – $4,999

Acacia Foundation

L’Agence Nationale Des Artistes – France

Andrew Balint Foundation

Association of Jewish Refugees

Bordeaux City Council – France

Bordeaux-Bristol Council – UK

BOCES – Hudson Valley Pathways Academy – Young Scholars

D’Avigdor Goldsmid Charitable Trust

45′ Aid Society

Hannover-Bristol Council – Hannover, Germany

Harry Ree Foundation

Hudson Valley Foundation for Youth Health

Joyce Mertz-Gilmore Foundation

Karl and Suzannah Kellner Charitable Fund

Kessler Foundation

Lord Ashdown Charitable Settlement

Meet the Composer

Mid-Atlantic Arts Association

Middle East Institute

National Performance Network

New York City Board of Education

Paul Hamlyn Foundation

Paul Hastings LTD.

Rotary-Kingston, NY

Spielman Charitable Trust

Stewarts Holiday Match Grant

Stuart Hammerman & The Hyman J. and Florence Hammerman Family Foundation

Ulster County Cultural Services & Promotion Fund administered by Arts Mid-Hudson

Ulster County Savings Bank Foundation

WAWA Foundation

Under $1,000

Bank of Greene County

Max’s Kansas City Project

Rotary Club of Kingston, NY

Ulster Alive, I love New York






$10,000 – $99,999

Paul Bloom

Alexia Howard


$5,000 – $9,999

George Allison

Catherine H. Cook

Suzannah Kellner

Pedro Reyes

Gorman John Ruggiero


$1,000 – $4,999


Catherine Baiardi

Jon Cordish

Joan L. Craig

Ronnie Davidoff

Paula Fenton

Jackie and Steve Gardner

Karen Gill

Anké Jacobs

Michelle Montemeyer

Ester Leah Ritz


$500 – $999

Cynthia Adler

Marcey Brownstein, and the Brownstein Sheldon Charitable Fund

Gene Beresin

Blair Breard

Frank and April Danza

Barbara Ginsberg

Angela Grace Henry

Sandra Landron

Joy Levy

Ami Palumbo and Scott Gorman

Lilly Rivlin

Thomas Schwenke

Carol Stamaty




Kathy Barrett

Milo Barney

Carmela Tal-Baron

Jack Baron

Jessica Bartoletti

Christopher Beall

Perry Beekman

Alice Beresin

Rachman Blake

Willa Blake

Jo Brannan

Paul Brooks

Susan Brown

Richard Cagianno

Adele Calcavecchio

Eric Caren

Judith Chaifetz

Fred Champion

Barry Cherwin

Bruce Cohen

Elaine Cruishank

Joel Cymrot

George Daly

Jodi Delaney

Deborah Dorman

Ann Davies

Gary Eskow

Susan Fastral

Carter Fisher

Dr. John Froud

Richard Frumess

Jackie Gardner

John Gazzale

Elizabeth Gigante

Irene Glezos

Steve Gottlieb

Ina Guitezeit

Dr. Sema Gurun

Sarah Harbutt

Angela Grace Henry

Dr. Gerry Herman

Mary Hill

Allan Hirsch

Robin Hirsch

Dan Hoffman

Barbara Hoffman

Patricia Hurst

Sheila Isenberg

Nancy Janchill

Jerry Kalmus

John Kelly

Emily King

Geraldine Landron

Katrina Lantz

John Lavelle

Brian Levis

Tracey Lewis

Andy Lichtenberg

Robert Langdon Lloyd

Naoko Machii

Robert Malkin

Narayanan Mandala 

Phil Mansfield

Maureen McLaughlin

Rev. Barbara Melzer

Eric Miclette

Jeff Moran

Jay Scott Morgan

Stacey Morse Group

Maura Moynihan

Elyse Mullins

Elizabeth Nieliwocki

Paula Neves

Ami Palombo

In loving memory of Robert L. Paton

Dana Patton

Brian Peterson

Ken Peterson

Phoenicia Soap Company

JP Porter

David Djebali-Radowitz

Steven Radowitz

John Remington

Heather Robinson

Karen Rhodes

Joyce Romano

Ed Romanoff

John Rothman

Frederick Schilling

Rene Schnetzler & Ruth Ketay

Karen Sheridan

Roberta Sickler

Jeff Sobel

Frank Spinelli

Muriel Stallworth

Ann Testa

Christa Trinler

Jacquelyn Trinler

Gilbert Trnka

Mitchel Vinicor

Joan Wilder

Woodstock Reformed Dutch Church

Laurie Ylvisaker

Abby Zonies



American Airlines

American Express

Catskill Mountain Pizza Company

Joshua’s Cafe

Landau Grill

Lufthansa Airlines


Bonnie Meadow

Oddbins LTD

Oriole 9



Sunflower Natural Foods Market

Woodstock Meats

Woodstock Byrdcliffe Guild